Services Studio Profile FAQs Quinn Keon

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Q's Studio offers the following services:

64-track Digital Multi-track Recording

Q's Studio features PC based digital multi-track recording that utilizes Adobe Audition and Sound Forge. Any type of sound file that you want to create for any application is possible. Whether you are recording a demo CD, a commercial CD, or want your music in mp3, Windows Media, or Real Audio format for Web applications, I can help. For more information on digital and analog recording see the FAQ page.

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Digital Mastering

I use tools within Adobe Audition for mastering any audio produciton and Sound Forge for certain audio file conversions such as Windows Media and Real Audio. The mastering process includes filtering of any unwanted noise, any EQ or effects that need to be tweaked, normalization, signal limiting/leveling, and a CD master for you to take home. The implementation of computers in the studio environment is a tremendous asset that I use to its fullest. Because of this, your master can be re-created for you at any time. All of my work is backed up in multiple locations to ensure that neither you or I will ever suffer from data loss.

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Tape Enhancements

Noisy (hissy) tapes are common among musicians. While I can not work miracles, I can dramatically reduce the background noise from a cassette recording. I will also perform time alignment of the high and low frequencies, EQ adjustments (if necessary), normalization, limiting, and transfer of the result to CD if desired. The quality of the finished product depends greatly on the quality of the original recording.

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Tape to CD Transfer

This is a common request that can be performed only if the copyright is owned by the individual presenting the recording for service. The process is the same as with any tape enhancements. I will perform time alignment of the high and low frequencies, noise filtering, EQ adjustments (if necessary), normalization, limiting, and transfer of the result to CD. The quality of the finished product depends greatly on the quality of the original recording.

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Perhaps you are in the market to design your own home studio. e-mail me with any questions that you have and I will be glad to help you out.

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Sound Reinforcement

I use primarilly Carvin pro audio gear for sound re-inforcement applications. I have a 4100 watt sound system that can be scaled to meet any application from small rooms to large outdoor events..

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Most questions can be answered by visiting the FAQ page. If you do not find the answer that you are looking for, you can submit a question to me by clicking here.

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